The influence of flax seed organic dressing on fungus flora diversity in the soil
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2011;56(4):198-202
The aim of this study was tot assess the effect of dressing of the oil flax variety Alba seeds on the changes in composition of fungal flora in the soil( and) rhizosphere at the green maturity of flax bolls. In 2004-2005 at the Institute of Natural Fibres and Medicinal Plants in Poznan, studies were carried out on the effect of seed dressing with biological preparations such as: Polyversum (containing oospores of Pythium oligandrum), Cedomon (containing the bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens), and EM (containing a mixture of photosynthetic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria and yeats), on fungus flora diversity in the soil. The control samples of untreated flax seeds and the seeds treated with Oxafun T 75 DS chemical seed dressing (containing carboxin and tiuram). The comparison of the results of the tests for soil fungi composition in the samples where no seed dressing was applied with the samples where biological seed dressing was used indicate that the applied seed dressing affected the fungal population in the soil. Pythium oligandrum inhibited most intensively the formation of fungal colonies. Pseudomonas bacteria had much weaker inhibition effect on the fungal growth than the chemical fungicide.
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