The influence of variability of species and the variety of straw on the course and effects of the process of its briquetting by the method of the curling
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Przemysłowy Instytut Maszyn Rolniczych 60-963 Poznań, ul. Starołęcka 31
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2013;58(1):12-16
One of the methods the high-compaction straw is briquetting whole stalks in cylindrical roller brquetting maschnes. For energy production purposes can be used for practically all types of straw cereals. Differences existing between them provoking question about the differences in the course and the briquetting process parameters and the parameters of obtained briquettes. The paper icludeed attempts to explain this issue. The results of these tests for the various varieties of two types of cereals (wheat and oats) briquetted with the method of the carling, lead to the conclusion that it is possible to use this method for compacting uncut straw cereals, in effect, to give briquettes with high stability(Ψ=0,90-0,92), reproducible, high (volume) density for a similar intensity in all cases the process (Ejo=0,0779-0,0848 kWh*kg-3).
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