Selected problems of transforming conventional apiaries into organic - as an example the apiary of apiculture division in Puławy (Institute of Pomology and Floriculture)
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2007;52(4):59-64
In the Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture, Apiculture Division in Puławy were tested possibilities of transforming conventional apiary into organic apiary to regard all the instructions of EU and Polish law. Researches conducted in 2006 were directed on gaining unripe and conventional honey varieties, valuation its physico - chemical parameters and qualification of its variety supported on basis of pollen analysis. Organic wax was gained and efficacy of oxalic acid in varroatosis treatment was tested, high necessity of using of oxalic acid was noted. It was noted that honey varieties were basis of organic beekeeping management and satisfied conditions of standards. Dehydration of honey in controlled conditions has not negative influence on its physico-chemical parameters. Pollen analysis and proper conduction are the most efficient methods of definition of honey origin. Three methods of wax gaining and changing old wax into organic foundation were worked out.
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