Usage of biopreparations as seed dressings in legume cultivation
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2012;57(3):162-166
The aim of the study was to evaluate the usefulness of plant origin and containing the fungus-like organism products for dressing seeds of different varieties of blue lupine, yellow lupine, and pea. Four biopreparations were used in the experiment: Biosept (grapefruit extract), garlic pulp, Polyversum (Pythium oligandrum) and a synthetic seed dressing Vitavax 200 FS. In the laboratory experiment seed germination energy was analyzed, while in the greenhouse experiment plant emergence, the percentage of infected plants with symptoms of root rots and the weight of shoots and roots were examined. No significant differences in the number of infected plants of lupine and the level of infestation between tested biopreparations and control were found. The smallest percentage of infected plants of pea was recorded in combination where Vitavax 200 FS was used. The smallest level of infection (average) was recorded in combinations where Vitavax 200 FS, Biosept 33 SL and the pulp of garlic were tested.
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