Survey was done in 2012 in 87 organic farms in Lublin Province. In this group there were mostly small and middle area
farms (to 15 ha). More than half of them produce only plants. Agricultural crops cover 54% of land, orchards 25% and
meadows 14%. About 20% of farmers bought sowable material and 11% of farmers nursery material. The responders most
often answered that seeds were bought from an organic farm of familiar farmer. The possibility of product sale and variety
characteristic was the most important criterion of variety choose. Less important for farmers was the question if seeds were
produced in organic system or not. Farmers often paid attention to an efficiency of variety, cost and quality of seeds or
seedlings and also if they were produced in an approximate microclimate. The agricultural advisers were for most farmers
(62%) the source of information about organic seed and nursery material. More than 86% of organic producers were satisfied
with the quality of seeds and nursery material.
Cieślak W.: Stosowanie konwencjonalnego materiału siewnego w rolnictwie ekologicznym. Hodowla Roślin i Nasiennictwo, 2009, 2: 9-11.
Orzeszko-Rywka A., Kalwas-Żeberkiewicz A.: Charakterystyka i pochodzenie materiału siewnego w gospodarstwach ekologicznych województwa mazowieckiego. J. Res. Appl. Agric. Engng, 2009, 54(4): 36-40.
Liu Q., Hołubowicz R.: Use of Organic Seeds in Selected in Farms in the Area of Lublin (Eastern Poland). Bulletin UASVM Horticulture, 2012, 69: 213-218.
Holubowicz R.: Organic seeds- challenges and treats for seed companies. Proc. Conf. “Climate, Ekology and Agriculture in Euroasia” Irkutsk, 25-29 May 2009: 567-571.
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