The use of photography and computer image analysis in the evaluation of transverse distribution of sprayed liquid
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Politechnika Warszawska Wydział Budownictwa, Mechaniki I Petrochemii w Płocku, Instytut Inżynierii Mechanicznej
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2013;58(2):107-111
This paper presents the use of photography and computer image analysis in the evaluation of transverse distribution of sprayed liquid on the surface characterized by means of the indicator of transverse non-uniformity. The primary purpose of the proposed method in researching spraying process and evaluation of its quality is to reduce the measurement time, to increase the accuracy and repeatability of the results obtained and the possibility of automation control and monitoring of studies. The essence of the proposed method consists in recording the memory of the measurement vessels taken with a digital camera of a high- resolution photo and then their treatment in order to determine the volume of liquid collected in each measurement vessel which in turn leads to a fundamental qualitative characteristics of the spray process. The research process using the proposed method is implemented on a laboratory automated test station using specialized computer software. Preliminary results confirmed the usefulness of the verification method described in the study and evaluation of the quality of the spray in the laboratory.
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