Usage of microbiotest phytotoxkit in detecting of allelopathic potential of phalaris arundinacea
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2009;54(4):88-93
In the laboratory experiments an effect of the rhizosphere soil water extracts, Phalaris arundinaceae roots and leaf water extracts on germination capacity and Sinapis alba root growth was determined. Test of germination and early growth Phytotoxkit was used in experiment, which consisted of 3 independend laboratory experimental series in one month period and 3 replications. Water extracts were prepared from 12,5 g and 25 g of soil, fresh root mass and leaves of Phalaris arm dinaceae and 100 ml of destilled water. Plates moistened of destilled water were control objects in these experiment. Data indicated that the highest inhibition effect on the germination capacity and Sinapis alba root length was obtained after leaf water extracts application, whereas allelopathic potential of root and rhizosphere soil water extracts were significantly lower.
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