Results of heat recovery three-system from the dairy cattle barn
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2012;57(1):130-134
This article presents the methodology, test stand and test results of the three-system heat recovery circuit in the dairy cattle barn. The study concerned the possibility of heating of drinking water for animals, for sanitary purposes, and technology using heat recovered from the water washing of milking installation "2x4 herringbone" Milk Cooler and further extracted heat from the liquid solar collector. The study was carried out and the results obtained were analyzed in the following categories: 1) all three heat sources acting independently, 2) three sources acting together 3) selected two sources of heat together. The water temperature in two-coils heat exchanger, which is also usable water tank, using only work of solar collector reached the level of 45-48°C. Heat removal from the installation allowed for heating the wash water to a temperature of 14-16°C. While the power of heat from the water washing Cooler water allowed to reach in the tank temperature about 2-2.5°C only.
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