The occurrence of leaf diseases caused by pathogenic fungi was assessed on a shrot rotation willow plantation in Zabierzów Bocheński near Niepołomice. Willow bushes of different age (five-, four-, two-year) were cultivated on the plantation. The research was conducted in 2006-2007. Willow rust (Melamspora spp.) and leaf spotting (Drepanopeziza spp.) were the most important leaf diseases. The oldest bushes of willow were more severely damaged by leaf diseases. Monitoring of willow diseases is a necessary strategy for the control of sanitary conditions of willows grown as bioenergetic plants.
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Skrzypczak W., Waligóra H., Szulc P., Panasiwicz K.: Plonowanie wierzby krzewiastej zbieranej co rok w zależności od gęstości sadzenia. Journal of Research and Applications in Agicultural Engineering, 2010, Vol. 55(4), s. 91-93.
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