The occurrence of diseases and the pathogenic fungi isolated from winter wheat in the ecological farms in region of Podkarpacie
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2008;53(4):120-122
In 2006 and 2007 the research of occurrences of diseases and mycoflora of winter wheat seeds produced on ecological farms in region of Podkarpacie, situated in Łukawiec and in Wysoka, were carried out. The observations for 100 plants were carried out once a week since May to the end of vegetation season and the average degrees of paralysis organs were estimated using 5 degree scale. The analyses of the pathogenic fungi from winter wheat were carried out using the Petri dishes method and reisolation of grown fungi was carried out on potatoglucose PDA medium. Fungi were described to a species with the use of available monographs and identification keys. 100 grains from each sample were analysed and results were introduced of average values.
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