Investigations on the occurrence of legumes in naturally valuable sites were carried out in years 2009 and 2010 on the basis of "Site natural documentation". Meadow complexes situated in areas of Natura 2000 as well as outside them were selected as experimental surfaces. The amount, total and mean number of species in individual plots were assessed in five site variants of package 4 and 5. In addition, phytosociological units as well as site types in which leguminous plants occurred were determined on the basis of Natura 2000 classification for individual variants of package 5 and a systematic list of occurrence of legumes in different variants of natural sites. The total of 17 legume species from 5 genera were found to occur with 6 species from the Trifolium genus and 5 species from the Vicia genus. Medicago, Lathyrus and Lotus genera were represented by 2 species each. Among legume valuable sites and of high natural value only 2 species were recorded in variant 5.2. areas with moss.
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Załuski T.: Zagrożenie i ochrona zespołów trawiastych. [W:] L. Frey (red.), Polska księga traw. Instytut Botaniki im. W. Szafera, Kraków: PAN, 2002, 245–274.
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