Out of experiments on possibility of organic vegetable seed production
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2006;51(2):150-153
The aim of studies was evaluation of possibility of vegetable seed production from the phytopathological point of view. It was found that there is a possibility of seed coating with biopreparation based on fungus Trichoderma viride in order to protect seedlings from rot diseases. When a proper technology was used, 250 living cfu (colony forming units) were present in single coat. The best results were obtained after seed treatment with water suspension of biopreparation with addition of remains of suspension after treatment into components of coats. Microbiological cleanliness of coat components is also of a great importance. Sprayings with biopreparations during cropping season resulted in differentiated degree of pathogen development limitation. The best results were obtained in the case of downy mildew (Peronospora destructor) of onion after several sprayings with Biosept. Harvested seeds of red beet and carrot were numerously settled with fungal pathogens. During cleaning of seeds, most of them was removed but losses were considerable.
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