Azadirachtin as a product for control of colorado beetles
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2007;52(3):78-81
The investigations were carried out in laboratory conditions using a commercially available neem extract: NeemAzal-T/S and Treex Bio containing 10 g of azadirachtin A and 30 g of azadirachtin A+B, respectively. The effect of different concentrations (300 ppm and 500 ppm) of azadirachtin on the mortality, growth and number of laid eggs was tested. All stages of development of Leptinotarsa decemlineata were used. Mortality of treated eggs and larvae L1, L2 was very high. The highest mortality of larvae L3 was done for NeemAzal in concentration 300 ppm and Treex Bio in concentration 500 ppm, 66,6% and 56,6%. respectively. Treated larvae L4 were inhibited in their development. In case using NeemAzal - T/S at the recommended dose 45% of imago of second generation was done and 33% after application Treex Bio, only. Reproductive effect was observed when adult insects were fed with foliage treated with two products separately applied in different concentrations. The numbers of hatching eggs mass were very high reduced. These results suggest that both products could be use in protection against this pest in organic potatoes. Results should be further evaluated in field conditions.
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