Use of natural plant powders for organic seed treatment
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2009;54(4):74-79
The object of an experiment was to assess the usefulness of powdered plants (garlic, thyme and basil) for wheat, sugar beet, radish ,carrot and parsley seed dressing. Mentioned crops showed different reactions to seed treatments. The best protection of sugar beet seedlings and young plants was obtained due to conventional chemical seed dressing Funaben T. On the contrary carrot and parsley showed better reaction to the herbal seed dressing. The highest number of plants was obtain from seed dressed with mixed garlic and basil powder. The results were respectively by 19% (carrot), 79% (parsley) i 49% (radish) higher than for plants from untreated seeds. Slightly lower increase in plant number comparing to the control seeds was obtained from seeds dressed with powdered garlic mixed with thyme. Pure garlic powder increased only i number of radish plants. Highest root yields for carrot, parsley and radish were obtained from seeds treated with garlic cm basil. They were by 115%, 35% and 69% respectively higher than from seeds treated with chemical seed dressing Funaben T.
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