Antioxidant compounds content in selected onion bulbs from organic and conventional cultivation
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2006;51(2):42-46
Yellow and red onion contain a numerous flavonoids as quercetin, and derivatives. Those compounds are located mostly in internal fresh leaves. Beside of flavonoids the red onion contains also anthocyanins mostly in external dry skin, but also in internal fresh leaves. Onions are a perfect source of sulphur which is an essential element in many metabolic processes. To research have been choose five onion cultivars: Sochaczewska, Wolska, Wenta, Red Baron, Sterling. Dry matter, total and reducing sugars, flavonoids, vitamin C and anthocyanins content were determined. Obtained results show, that organic onion contained more flavonoids, vitamin C and anthocyanins in comparison to conventional ones.
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