The content of bioactive compounds in selected kind of coffee from organic and conventional production
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2010;55(3):99-104
Coffee is very important ingredient of daily menu of the most consumers in Poland and world. Coffee's components are refreshing and stimulating for human organism, moreover containing the range of phenolic substances they are healthful. The aim of work was to compare the content of bioactive compounds as phenolic acids and flavonoides in the coffees from the organic and conventional production. The results show that in the instant coffees the differences between organic vs conventional production system are much higher than in the ground coffees. Organic instant coffees contained significantly more caffeine, chlorogenic acid, epigallocatechin gallate, rutin, D-glycoside of quercetin, myricetin, and naringin than conventional instant coffees. Conventional instant coffees contained significantly more flavon-3-ols and caffeic acid than organic instant coffees. Organic ground coffees contained significantly more dry matter and significantly less rutin and Dglycoside of quercetin than conventional ground coffees. Instant coffees contained significantly and much more almost all of the analyzed substances than ground coffees except rutin that was significantly more abundant in ground coffees. The reason for such big differences is probably completely different production procedure of the instant coffees. The studies on the content of the bioactive compounds in the coffees from organic vs conventional production should be continued in view of total lack of such scientific data and high importance of coffee in the everyday consumption.
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