Harvest of wet hay with a round baler with the use of microbiological preparation Inoculant 1155
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2006;51(3):16-22
This study examines results of experiments to assess how the location of the applicator of the microbiological additive Inoculant 1155 when added to wet hay during harvesting with a baler affects its loss. Also, was assessed how the moisture content of harvested hay treated with the additive Inoculant 1155 affected the quality of hay. It was observed that the lowest loss of the additive (4,6%) was for the applicator placed in the front part of the press chamber of the baler. Hay of the best quality (evaluation was based on chemical analysis) was observed for a moisture content of 20% and density of 110 kg m-3. The study also presents analysis of temperature distribution inside the bales. The lowest temperature was observed for hay of a moisture content of 20% and density of 110 kg m-3.
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