Health of narrow-leaved lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) cultivated in the conventional farming system and in transition period to the ecological system
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2011;56(3):143-146
The narrow-leaved lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) is one of the main leguminous plants cultivated in Poland. Fungal diseases of the lupins crops are the reasons of reducing yield of green matter and seeds. Root rot caused by Fusarium and seed borne anthracnose are highly destructive diseases for the early development stages. Fungal diseases infestation at the blooming stage can cause serious losses in quality and quantity of the yield. The main disease is wilting caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lupini. Other destructive disease occurring especially in a period with great precipitation is lupin anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum lupini. Another disease that may be observed in lupin (especially in narrow-leaved lupin) is lupin leaf spot (Pleospora herbarum). The aim of the experiment was to compare the health of narrow-leaved lupin cultivated both in the conventional farming system and in transition period to the ecological system. The experiment was performed in the Field Experimental Station of the Institute of Plant Protection PIB in Winna Góra (Wielkopolska province) for three years. Research material included two cultivars of narrow-leaved lupin - Boruta, characterized by determinate development, and Zeus cultivar with traditional development. Phytopathological assessment of the plants revealed symptoms of infestation with disease factors of Fusarium root rot of lupin, lupin anthracnose and leaf spot. The research demonstrated greater lupin infestation with the diseases, and especially with anthracnose on leaves and pods in the ecological system in comparison with the conventional system. Greater sowing rate favoured higher infestation with the disease factors except for Fusarium root rot of lupin, where the percentage of infested plants was similar.
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