The importance of origin from the organic production as a factor influencing purchase and consumption of fruits and vegetables in the urban and rural households
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2006;51(2):74-81
The aim of this study was to describe the importance of origin of fruits and vegetables from the organic production as a factor influencing the decisions of Polish consumers to purchase and consume those products in their households. The source of data were information obtained from the survey conducted in January, February and March 2003 on 542 size sample, which included respondents living in Warsaw, as well as in the cities with less than 50 thousands inhabitants and in the Mazowian countryside. Among people participated in the survey the most concern about their diet were respondents aged 30 or younger and those aged over 60, working on their own, and also students. All of them characterized by higher level of household income and lower number of people in the household. People living from farming and groups with the lowest income were less concern about their diet. For respondents the most common places of fruits and vegetables purchase turned out to be open air markets and bazaars, then groceries, own plots, farms and supermarkets. Shops with organic food were indicated the rarest as a place of fruits and vegetables purchase. At the same time most people who took part in the survey were of the opinion that prices of the organic fruits and vegetables are high and too high. This opinion was presented the most often by the Warsaw inhabitants and young respondents aged 20 or younger, and also in the age group of 31-40 and 41-50. For respondents, the primary motivators for buying organic fruits and vegetables were taste, appearance, freshness and nutritional value. The origin of fruits and vegetables from organic production as a main motivator for buying organics, turned out to be essential for 10,1% and 11,4% of respondents.
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