The importance of the brand in the sales process of ecological farming products
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2008;53(3):146-148
The aim of this paper is to outline ecological farming product brands and their importance in the sales process. The paper presents trends in the development of the brands in Poland and other European countries; Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The detailed analysis focuses on issues concerning; regulations of ecological farming product tagging, ways in which ecological farmers tag ecological products, and consumer's knowledge of tagging regulations. The own research was conducted among two respondent groups - 108 owners of ecological farms and 160 consumers (in groups counting 96,42 and 22). The research was being carried out in the space of five years (2003 - 2008). A tendency to unify the tagging of ecological farming products, creating national brands and introducing additional information about the source of the product has been found in the countries where the research was being carried out. In the consumers' opinion, one of the most important motives behind buying groceries is their brand. The analysis of the consumers' opinions on their knowledge of the methods used in ecological products tagging and ecological products brands shows a lack of the respondents knowledge in this field. More than 80% of the respondents admitted to this fact. The remaining 20% would provide false or incomplete information.
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