Consumption propellant in farms about the different organization and condition of farming on background of different factors of production
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2010;55(1):68-73
The article presents the level of the waste of propellant in farms about the different intensity and the position on background of other indicators describing the organization of operating activity of the farms. The elaboration was performed on the ground data FADN for years 2005-2007. From research was excluded mountain farms and farms very large - above 100 ESU. The analysis embraces farms put in rural communes. Distribution of farms was performed from the point of view of productive type, the position in the zone LFA, the intensity measured with the level direct costs on the ha UAA. Consumption of propellant per ha UAA was different in farms about different types. The share of propellant accrued in direct cost along with growth of participation of vegetable production in general production. The share of cost of propellant diminished in direct cost in farms about higher intensity in all productive types.
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